Empowering the
Future of Medical Science through Physicians of India
Empowering the Future of Medical Science through Physicians of India

The Association of Physicians of India is the largest professional body of consultant physicians formed in 1944. Our members are physicians with postgraduate qualifications in different specialities. With over 22000 active members across the nation, API is one of the most elite physician’s fraternity in India.

Facilitating education, training and research in the field of medicine for encouraging young physicians


Providing world class education to young Indian physicians through continuing medical education programs


Enabling cutting edge scientific research through a dedicated wing of research, and through research publications


Ensuring a continuous dialogue and advocating for the rights of the physicians, and work with state and national governments


Providing a robust network for the physicians to explore academic, scientific and research avenues

A cohort of experts in the field of medicine providing visionary leadership to shape the future of young physicians for a healthier India
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Dr. Jyotirmoy Pal

President - API

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Dr. G Narsimulu

President Elect - API

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Dr. Milind Y Nadkar

Past President - API

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Dr. Kamlesh Tewary

Dean - ICP

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Dr. Agam C Vora

Hon. General Secretary - API

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Dr. A Muruganathan

Director - PRF

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Dr. Amit A. Saraf


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Dr. Mangesh Tiwaskar

Honorary Editor Journal of API (JAPI)

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Dr. Shashank R. Joshi

Chairman, API House Committee

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Dr. K.K. Pareek

Editor in Chief, API Textbook of Medicine

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Dr. Kamlesh Tewary

Org. Secretary APICON 2026 - Muzaffarpur

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Dr. Sekhar Chakraborty

Org. Secretary APICON 2025 - Kolkata

A cohort of experts in the field of medicine providing visionary leadership to shape the future of young physicians for a healthier India
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Dr. Jyotirmoy Pal

President - API

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Dr. G Narsimulu

President Elect - API

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Dr. Milind Y Nadkar

Past President - API

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Dr. Kamlesh Tewary

Dean - ICP

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Dr. Agam C Vora

Hon. General Secretary - API

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Dr. A Muruganathan

Director - PRF

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Dr. Amit A. Saraf


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Dr. Mangesh Tiwaskar

Honorary Editor Journal of API (JAPI)

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Dr. Shashank R. Joshi

Chairman, API House Committee

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Dr. K.K. Pareek

Editor in Chief, API Textbook of Medicine

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Dr. Kamlesh Tewary

Org. Secretary APICON 2026 - Patna

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Dr. Sekhar Chakraborty

Org. Secretary APICON 2025 - Kolkata

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(mp3, 29.08 min,28.0 MB)
Dr. Shashank Joshi - Diabetes Reversal & AI
In conversation with Dr Joshi, he explains the latest in Diabetes Management and Diabetes remission with the help of Artificial Intelligence
(mp3, 23.57 min,24.4 MB)
Dr. Amit Ghosh - Medical Pedagogy
Prof. Dr. Amit Ghosh from the Mayo Clinic discusses how to become a proficient medical educator in this series
(mp3, 29.00 min,28.7 MB)
Dr. Agam Vora - Revisiting the Innovations in Allergic Rhinitis Management
Importance of the allergic rhinitis in a post-covid world and the latest innovations by Dr. Agam Vora
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