
Indian Consensus Guideline on Adult Immunization

As we navigate the complexities of healthcare in India, it is evident that the landscape is evolving rapidly. The emergence of new medical challenges, coupled with the increasing geriatric population, necessitates a proactive approach to immunization. With projections indicating that nearly 23% of our population will belong to the 50-plus age group by the end of the next decade, the significance of adult immunization cannot be overstated. These guideline delve into the specifics of each available vaccine, offering insights into recommended practices and providing a unified voice amid the existing plethora of guidelines. We acknowledge the challenges healthcare workers face, particularly when managing patients with multiple co-morbidities. Hence, these guideline offer a consolidated approach, ensuring clarity in decision-making for healthcare providers.

API Textbook of Medicine

The API Textbook of Medicine was first published in 1969. For more than 50 years, the Association of Physicians of India (API) has been regularly publishing the Textbook which is read by the medical students of our country. The current edition is up-to-date, reader-friendly and a realistic textbook, authoritatively written by experts with immense knowledge and experience, making it an ideal reference tool for Clinicians, Practitioners, and Students. The theme of the book from bedside to the bench to clinical management of cases—is well elucidated. The style and layout of the book is similar to that of the earlier editions. The contents of the book have been modified as per the latest advances and made as contemporary as possible.

Medicine Update

The two volumes of the Medicine Update book encompass sections and chapters on various subspecialties of the medicine. Apart from the chapters on common and uncommon clinical disorders, their clinical profile, and their management, we have included chapters on physicians’ health, ethics in medical profession, communication skills, and problems faced by doctors in their clinical practice.

Post Graduate Medicine

A modern-day textbook need to incorporate the latest evidence in a comprehensive and simplified manner. The data from these trials needs to be interpreted by experts in the field so that meaningful clinical lessons can be derived.

Progress in Medicine

This book is the latest volume in the series presenting clinicians and medical students with the latest advances in medicine, with emphasis on endocrine and cardiovascular disorders. Presented as a collection of articles, the first chapters provide an overview of the field and discussion on medical teaching. The following sections cover the diagnosis and management of numerous conditions in everyday clinical practice. Separate chapters explore advances in other sub-specialties such as kidney disease, sepsis and asthma, and several complete sections are dedicated to Covid and associated disorders.

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